Dear supporters,
Judge William Sessions III has ordered Ken to report to serve his 27 month sentence on March 22nd. We're thankful they gave him a few more weeks with his family, and that he'll be able to be with his son when he visits in March.
Thank you for all your notes of encouragement on the guestbook page and contact page, and your prayers.
Any donations that are not needed for legal fees will be used to support Ken's family. Thank you so much.
Ken and the government have come to the agreement that Ken will not pursue further appeals, and the government will not pursue additional charges.
This means Ken is expecting to serve his 27 month sentence. We are unsure exactly when this will begin, but likely in the next month or two. We are waiting for a status hearing where Judge Sessions will provide us with these details.
We are all hoping that Ken will be able to be here for his daughter's wedding in June.
Pray for us as family and church work to send him off well and prepare for his absence.
Marshall Your Resources
Recently, our attorney Brooks McArthur, told me to prepare to be indicted on new charges. He thinks it could happen within 90 days.
"Marshall your resources," he advised.
Since the Christians' greatest resource is the power of God made available through prayer, and knowing this statement will reach many praying people, I suggest the following:
1. PRAY for the U.S. attorneys prosecuting this case. We believe those in civil authority are put in place by God. The scriptures call us to give them due respect and honor, and to pray for them. Pray that God's purposes will be realized in and through them, and that whatever is not of God's will would be defeated.
2. PRAY that Jesus' saving power would be proclaimed and that many would be drawn to Him.
3. PRAY that God's design for sexuality, marriage, family and parenting would be widely proclaimed in this decadent age.
4. PRAY that all of God's people involved in this situation would faithfully and joyfully stand for truth even if it costs them a great deal.
5. PRAY that God will protect and provide for Lisa Miller and her precious daughter.
6. PRAY for those individuals already indicted at the U.S. District Court in Buffalo. Pray for courage, stamina, wisdom, and adequate financial resources.
Thank you for helping us "Marshall our Resources!"
Ken Miller
Waynesboro, VA
Update for Website—Sept 29th 2014
ALL LEGAL BILLS PAID! Ken and his family praise God and extend heartfelt thanks to God's people around the world who have helped with legal expenses. The costs far exceeded our expectations, reaching more than $262,000 since December of 2011. It seems like a miracle—to date all the debts have been paid down!
However a new front seems to have opened up in this case. As of Friday, September 19, three more people were indicted in the Western District of New York, each on one count of conspiracy, and one count of international parental kidnapping. Grand Jury charges are as follows:
Count 1 (Conspiracy)
From in or about September 2009 to in or about November 2009, in the Western District of New York, and elsewhere, the defendants, LISA MILLER, PHILIP ZODHIATES, and TIMOTHY MILLER, did knowingly, willfully and unlawfully combine, conspire and agree together and with Kenneth Miller and others, known and unknown to the Grand Jury, to commit an offense against the United States, that is, to remove a child, J1, a person known to the Grand Jury, from the United States and to retain that child, who had been in the United States, outside the United States, with intent to obstruct the lawful exercise of parental rights, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 1204.
Count 2 (International Parental Kidnapping)
On or about September 22, 2009, in the Western District of New York, and elsewhere, the defendants, LISA MILLER, PHILIP ZODHIATES, and TIMOTHY MILLER, with intent to obstruct the lawful exercise of parental rights, did knowingly remove, and aid and abet the removal of, a child, J1, a person known to the Grand Jury, from the United States.
This new development could potentially impact Ken and his family as well.
Let's fervently pray that the infinite grace and mercy of God would rest powerfully on these dear people and their families.
Let's pray also that the God's blessing would rest on the U.S. Prosecutors handling the case.