Appreciated your updates. I had to smile at your spirit when reading of your "loud" declaration of God's design for marriage at the wedding reception you celebrated with friends at Petersburg Low. I am sure there were times when our Lord spoke clearly and distinctly and loudly when making a point He felt strongly about. Your many prayer warriors are holding you and your family up...
Pete Lewis
Dear Ken:Amy Carmichael, a missionary without leave for 40 years in India, came to the realization that every trial, sorrow, disappointment, and reverse in her life was actually an opportunity to die to self; instead of an obstacle, each one should be viewed as an opportunity to glorify God. That's a tough message, but I would commend you on having obviously grasped the principle in your circ...
Enos D. Stutzman
Hi Ken, This is great to be able to communicate with you. How are you doing. We think often of you,and pray for you every day. You need to know that many people ask about you, and are praying for you. Your resolute commitment is an inspiration for many fellow believers. Keep the faith! Dad