Our support to Ken Miller for his convictions and his actions.
The young mother is correct in her assessment of the situation. Unfortunately she had to leave the United States in order to protect her child from undue influence imposed by the visitations.
The mother of the child is the biological mother.
The court ruling, to even suggest that the former domestic partner could be considered...
Regina Shea
I'm praying for Brother Ken and his family. It's not an easy road to walk but the Lord be glorified in whatever happens.
Rachel Smith
Greetings, Brother Ken & Family,
I don't know you personally but some of my brothers have met various ones of your family and I've followed this closely over the last several years. May the Lord continue to sustain you and hold you in the palm of His hand as He leads you ever onward and upward. I was blessed by what Ken wrote about trials. May God find each of us to be soft clay i...