Charlotte Miller
Hey my dear brother, Just want you to know your sis is thinking of you often, wondering what you are doing, praying for strength and grace for you and yours. I especially am praying that your ministry where you are will be fruitful and that there will be a "ripple" effect on the lives of all you touch in there. Who knows how far reaching your influence could be in a 'captive' ...
Darryl Martin
Stand firm in such a time as this let the Holy Spirit guide you in all your interactions and remember that all things work togather for good to those that love the Lord!! God bless you as you live out your faith.
Carl A Gordon
Minda and I pray daily for you and the family. Increasingly around the World the level of persucution and suffering is on the rise for God's children. I'm thankful for your obedience to Christ and to His people!

New Article Added

We've added a new article, "Healthy Sexuality," to our "What We Believe" section. Solo Deo Gloria! 

Trial in August

Please do pray earnestly for the situation and all involved. Ken and his family sense a great need for the mercy and grace of God to help them face whatever lies ahead for the next few months. Trial dates have been set for Tuesday, August 7 through Friday, August 17. The prosecution seems to be bringing an aggressive and comprehensive case, with many witnesses beinig called. More than $50,000 has been expended in legal fees. Due to the complexity of the case and a longer trial than anticipated, another $50,000 will likely be spent. Ken and his family are needing to lean hard upon God.

Latest Dates for the Trial

The Pre-trial Conference has been moved to July 17, and the Jury Draw to August 7, with the trial following soon after. Of course Ken and family would have preferred to have the trial over with sooner rather than later, but they continue in good spirits. Please keep them in your prayers. 

Donations via PayPal or Credit Card

If you tried to make a donation via paypal or credit card in the last several days, it probably didn't work. It should work now. 

Trial Update

Due to scheduling issues the pretrial hearing has been moved from May 25 to June 21, and the jury draw moved from June 12 to July 10. We expect the trial to be held in Vermont shortly afterward. This is a wonderful answer to prayer as we would all prefer to have this matter resolved sooner rather than later.